Active Traders Who Use TurboTax for Windows
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For tax year 2021 and beyond, Intuit has increased import capacity. The stated capacity is 10,000 transactions (4,000 of which may be non-covered transactions).
In the following circumstances, you may wish to NOT import all of your broker transactions and use the "workaround" described below instead.
- You still find that you cannot import all your transactions
- The TurboTax program runs too slowly after import
- The TurboTax program shows too many warnings that you need to clear
- A significant rounding error is introduced when the TurboTax program rounds to whole dollar amounts
The workaround involves:
- Importing summary transactions into the program OR
- Entering summary transactions into the program
- Then attaching statements containing detailed transaction information.
Workaround Part 1: Importing Your Total Gain or Loss Amounts (summary transactions) into Form 1040 Schedule D
Using our app, you can import the "summary of each sales category" into TurboTax.
Instructions for doing so are shown in the "Taxes" section of the app.
Workaround Part 2: Entering Your Total Gain or Loss Amounts (summary transactions) into Form 1040 Schedule D
If you have more transactions than can be imported, this Turbo Tax support page describes how you can "enter a summary for each sales category".
Work-Around Part 3: Attaching Required Statements
Our app will generate for you the required PDF statements showing your transaction details. These statements are intended to be attached to your tax return. Instructions for downloading these statements are shown in the "Taxes" and "Downloads" section of the app.
Paper Filing
- Inspect the Schedule D generated by TurboTax to make sure it has the same totals as the Schedule D generated by
- Remove the Schedule D and Forms 8949 generated by TurboTax.
- Replace them with the Schedule D and Forms 8949 (and Form 8949 Statements, if applicable) generated by These can be downloaded from the Download Results page in the app.
Electronic Filing
When you electronically file your income tax return, you either (1) electronically attach the PDF statement to the return or (2) mail in a paper statement.
Electronic Filing - Electronic Attachment of Statements
Unfortunately, TurboTax Desktop Editions (Windows, Mac) do not support PDF attachments to E-Filed returns.
Electronic Filing - Mail IRS Form 8453 and Statements
If you electronically file — and do not electronically attach a PDF statement — to comply with IRS requirements, you need to print and mail Form 8949 statements using Form 8453 as a cover sheet.
The IRS instructions to Form 8453 include the following:
If you are filing your tax return using an online provider,
mail Form 8453 to the IRS
within 3 business days
after you have received acknowledgement...
Mail Form 8453 to:
Internal Revenue Service
Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Receipt and Control Branch
Austin, TX 73344-0254
Note: This can sometimes require literally reams of paper.